The fundamental principles of TCM explained clearly and simply

Discover the synthesis of a subject as vast and complex as Traditional Chinese Medicine, in this detailed compendium, which is simple and quick to consult.

A concise and easy to read book illustrating the extraordinary millenary culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine

About the author

Serena Chellini, (1965) began to cultivate a genuine interest in Tibetan medicine at a very early age.

When she was 20, she met Yeshi Dhonden in Dharamsala (India), the personal physician of HH the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, who helped her recover from a serious infection, contracted during her travels.

This chance encounter left its mark on Serena: a tiny seed was planted, and later it germinated, first in the study of Shiatsu and then of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Her curiosity and desire to deepen her knowledge led her to continuously attend courses of specialisation and seminars under the guidance of renowned masters and teachers.

For over fifteen years she has been working with passion as a holistic therapist and her desire to help others is her guiding light.

She lives and works in Tuscany.

As complete as an encyclopaedia, as essential as a handbook, it contains everything we should know about TCM without frills and without mincing words. It is the perfect handbook for professionals working in this field but it is also essential reading for anyone approaching the subject, because it contains all the basic concepts, ordered and usable at any time. The correspondences between symptoms and pathology or disharmony are excellent.  All the parts relating to points and meridians are both in-depth and useful.  I have known Serena for several years, I had the pleasure of making her acquaintance as a colleague, student and friend, I saw her hands dance and heal, delicate, attentive and full of love. This book reflects all these qualities precisely. Thank you Serena!
Serena Chellini's work is an admirable collection of the fundamental principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine in all its aspects and details. Having known Serena first as a student and later as an assistant, in reading her book, I felt the great passion she has for the subject and her attention to the study and research of the roots of life. TCM brings with it an extraordinary amount of wisdom based on the Taoist principle of observing nature. The author captures the fundamental aspects, which she clearly knows perfectly and illustrates a full set of contents, which will be very useful not only to the students and practitioners of Shiatsu or Tui Na, but also to professional therapists who will find it helpful and easy to use. A compendium that is indispensable for all scholars of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which Serena wanted to share with us and which represents the fruit of her tireless desire to learn, her serious dedication and care in order to help others and contribute decisively to the growth of well-being and awareness.
Gioacchino Allasia
The book that Serena Chellini has made available to us is a precious gift for those who are studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and these "notes" of hers will be very useful for consultation. A synthesis is not easy, especially in a field like this, but the author has managed to create a real "distillate", the result of experience and passion! Very nice illustrations. Thank you Serena!
Maria Dianella Melani
Shiatsu and TCM Teacher

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A map of the vast territory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, made understandable even to the less experienced, integrating Western knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the understanding of life as an energetic circulation, known for millennia to ancient and ethnic civilizations. I find that this manual is particularly useful to keep at hand in your clinic, if you are a therapist working in the holistic disciplines, not only Shiatsu or Tui-Na, but also Reflexology, Pranotherapy, and any other kind of therapy related to the body and energy.
Addressing the issue of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a difficult task for many. I find that the author has given us a concise overview that explains the movements of energy, helps us understand the signs of energy imbalances and gives us indications on the remedies and points to use. I think this is the right book for many: for those who don't know anything and want to start understanding this vision of the world, for those doing courses of study and for those who are already "established" well-being therapists. It can be used to clarify doubts and gain new insights into critical issues. In short, I recommend it, money well spent.
Luca Bartoli
Shiatsu and TCM Teacher
A book on Traditional Chinese Medicine that is simple, essential, easy to understand and within everyone's reach. Suitable for all wellness therapists, expanding their knowledge in the holistic field!
Anna Erranti
Reflexologist and TCM Teacher


The fundamental principles of TCM explained clearly and simply


It was with great pleasure that I accepted the commission to translate Serena Chellini's book on Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a Shiatsu therapist and translator, I was looking forward to working on a subject so close to my heart and hoped to learn a lot by translating it. I was not disappointed! It is indeed a book full of interesting information and areas of study, which are rarely found in a single text. As Serena herself writes in her introduction, this book is a collection of notes taken from years and years of seminars and advanced courses, introducing topics of great interest whose reading is inspiring and stimulating. In each chapter, I have discovered valuable information; the section on Extraordinary Viscera is a real gem, and the numerous pages on Extraordinary Canals, their points and uses, are especially fascinating. I also found a number of useful suggestions and nuggets of information that helped to clarify many details of aspects which, for me, had previously been obscure. It is an easily usable text. You can read it from start to finish or browse or consult it in any order. The layout is very inviting, the printing is clear and the pages are not crammed full. I also had the pleasure of meeting the author personally.  We spent a weekend at her home in Chianti, Tuscany, revising the translation together. She is a woman who shines with peace and kindness and the 'Shen' flowing from her eyes has warmed my soul.
Iolanda Foschetti

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